Saturday, 6 August 2011

When Everyone Said Goodbye, Entourage Said Hello!

Congressman Anthony Weiner has tarnished his reputation to an irreparable extent, screwing all chances of being the next mayor of New York. This is a truly coveted position, which he was almost sure to get, had it not been for his irrepressible libido.

The once-popular politician sure retained his popularity, the only difference being that this time around, it was for all the wrong reasons.

Ever since he was caught posting sexually explicit pictures on Twitter, Anthony Weiner has joined the league of black-listed politicians.

I guess, we should welcome him to the ever-growing club of such politicians!

While many may believe that he’ll never be able to regain the honor he once had, the surprising part is that he seems to have found his shortcut to fame.

This comes after the executive producer of Entourage, Doug Ellin, offered Anthony a chance to do a cameo on his show.

While no confirmations have been made yet, it’s clear that Anthony has become an overnight celebrity. In the offer letter, published by Larry Flynt, it has been clarified that the offer has not been made in jest, and is indeed an honest proposal.

As per the reports, the disgraced politician has been offered a 20% hike over his present salary, as well as coverage of his relocation costs to Beverly Hills.

As we wait to see whether Anthony concedes to the unexpected offer, or prefers to stick to his political roots, there is not much we can do.
Well hold on!

You can download Entourage for the latest from the series.